Mediterranean Visions: Journeys, Itineraries and Cultural Migrations
Sorrento - June 13-14, 2014
This conference intends to focus on the possible perceptions of the journey to/from/around the Mediterranean Sea, moving from an Italian, European and extra-European perspective (with specific reference to the American continent, which is so historically and culturally connected to the Mediterranean heritage and to its explorations), and concentrating moreover on the theme of immigration/emigration to/from the Mediterranean Basin, the result of centuries-old, intercultural exchanges occurring between its shores, as well as the new challenges (social and economic) facing the region from globalized society and from the increasingly urgent democratic requirements of the populations inhabiting it.
The Organizing Committee is overseeing the publication of an ad hoc volume with the goal of including submissions determined to be, at the incontestable discretion of the Committee, the most significant in terms of academic scholarship.