call for papers 2017

Women of the Mediterranean
Dynamics of Power
Sant’Anna Institute, Sorrento Italy, May 26-27, 2017
Conference Location: Sant'Anna Institute, Sorrento
Conference Director: Giovanni Spani (College of Holy Cross)
Conference Coordinator: Marco Marino (Sant'Anna Institute)
Editorial Board: Domenico Palumbo (Sant'Anna Institute), Cristina Perissinotto (University of Ottawa), Bernardo Piciché (Virginia Commonwealth University)
Keynote Speaker: Diana de Paco Serrano
This conference features innovative research on the condition of women throughout the cultures of the Mediterranean Basin, considered from both diachronic and synchronic perspectives within the kaleidoscopic range of realities in which they live and work. Although mindful of the vast extent to which notions of womanhood, lived and perceived, have spread throughout all the nations that share the sea’s vast coastlines, this conference aims, in particular, to cast new light on dynamics of power -- and empowerment -- involving women, especially in socio-historical contexts in which nearly every manifestation of power (whether intellectual, social, economic or political) has traditionally been allowed only to men.
The conference concentrates on the historic evolution of the concept of female power, as well as on its literary, theatrical and cinematographic representations. Contributions to the conference’s main themes may also include other matters of immediate concern, including those related to the judicial, social, political, and economic contexts of this far-reaching geographic area.
A volume of the most important presentations will be edited and published by the Organizational Committee.
In a comparative and inter-Mediterranean vision of the conference, the committee is pleased to invite papers on the following disciplines in Italian, English or Spanish:
Gender studies
Sociology and Anthropology
Political Science
Religious Studies
Human Rights
Some of the possible themes at the conference may include:
- Mythological women through history
- Feminine Identity: the Matriarchy
- Mothers/Daughters: The power of family
- Wonder Woman VS. Superwoman: female super heroes in pop culture
- Women and war: military power
- Autobiography and Self-Representation: reflections on power
- Women and cinema: power behind the camera
- Breaking down barriers: women travelers
- Women in the government: democracy and power
- Women and dictatorships: living in the shadow of power
- Women and Globalization: economic power
- Women and consumer culture: the power to choose
- Women and religious authorities
We invite proposals (maximum two paragraphs) in Italian, English or Spanish, along with your academic profile no later than April 20th 2017 at the following address: